product description
As a dirt-resistant as well as extremely hard-wearing and abrasion-resistant interior paint for the highest demands. As a permanent protective coating for exterior and interior use against paint smears, felt-tip pens, etc. BLENDA ® -LUX is a film-forming, water-thinnable and pigmented 2-component polyurethane protective paint for exterior and interior use. BLENDA ® -LUX forms a permanent surface film with excellent chemical and mechanical resistance and prevents spray paints, felt-tip pens and other contaminants from anchoring to it. BLENDA ® -LUX has excellent light and weather stability, prevents water and pollutant penetration, and exhibits excellent resistance to dilute chemicals, detergents, hand sweat, hydraulic oils, oils, greases, etc. BLENDA ® -LUX coatings can be cleaned easily and several times with GEIGER Anti-Graffity Cleaner without having to renew the protective coating or causing color shifts.
Delivery form
Art. 214 Comp.A 1,2kg, 6kg, 12kg. Art. 925 Comp.B Hardener. Both components are different articles and must be ordered separately.
Gloss level
Silk matt
White and RAL pastel and solid colors. BLENDA ® -LUX is not suitable as a colorless protective coating due to its slightly cloudy inherent color. For this application we recommend the product GEIGER 2K-PU Anti-Graffity Protective Paint.
Further information
Delivery form
Art. 214 Comp.A 1,2kg, 6kg, 12kg. Art. 925 Comp.B Hardener. Both components are different articles and must be ordered separately.
Gloss level
Silk matt
White and RAL pastel and solid colors. BLENDA ® -LUX is not suitable as a colorless protective coating due to its slightly cloudy inherent color. For this application we recommend the product GEIGER 2K-PU Anti-Graffity Protective Paint.
Further information